This is only gonna be a short post only sadly. So , Nothing much has happened lately , only the fact that is sleep like 23 hours a day!
Hurrah! Arsenal Whooped Shaktar Donetsk's ass 5-1 Woohoo! Great show of exquisite skill and class by Arsenal! hehe , All Arsenal fans pay tribute to Eduardo Da Silva! Scored against Arsenal at the Emirates for the 1st time.
Okay , lately i've just been soo lonely. Only been hanging out with Haseef. My rocker buddy! :DD . Gonna record a new single soon. From Dodo. Our 2 man band. Rawr. ALBUM IN STORES SOON!
HeheHuhu. Weelalalalololele. I dont know what to say anymore. Bored and lonely. Someone come and teman me laa :(
Btw , my cravings for the elusive Ramlies are back (Ramly+Brownies)
Disgusting huh.
This song is so stuck in my head right now. Whee. :DD