Hey hey hey! i know i've been absent for a while , unlike my earlier blogging days which i posted everyhting i was thinking , well that time was my emo 'period' so yeah , Now i'm all better and there aint no emo stuff to post anymore , which leads to lack of interesting stuff to blog anymore :( . Oh well ! At least now imma blog some happy stuff ! :D .
Okay , last saturday i went to xiu ming's sweet 16 ! woohoo! mine aint as cool as hers cause the only one celebrating with me at that time was xiuming , yeah how ironic haha ! So ! here are some pics which i stole from her! hehehe >:)
Me and Birthday girl !
Me and Juls !
The Sri Kl + Su People ! Well , the only people i was hanging out at the party was Leanna , Alvin ,Henry ,David ,Terence and Jefferey. Well ,i got mistaken for Jarald , now thats just embarassing. ZZ. Oh well Thats all for now! :D
Ps. I found this sexy poem!
When I think of you, you fill my mind , There’s no more thinking room I find. I’ve never had such thoughts before , I’m lost in you, whom I adore. I think no more of mundane things , Like common ...pleasures that living brings. I just think of you, and I’m filled with dreams , To keep your love fills all my schemes.